Adolescent Addiction Services
Individual Therapy
Outpatient therapy is led by therapists specializing in adolescent and teen behavior and substance misuse at our Chelsea and East Boston clinics. Providers speak English, Spanish and Portuguese. Telehealth and in-person options are available. Frequency is based on need, but typically varies from 1 hour per week to 1 hour per month.
A-CRA (Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach)
A-CRA is a short-term, evidence-based therapy focused on replacing negative behaviors, such as substance use, with positive behaviors by improving overall happiness and reducing the need for negative behaviors to cope with distress. It is most effective for those between the ages of 12 and 24 years. A course of A-CRA treatment includes work on stress reduction, communication and problem-solving skills, and general behavior modification. A typical course involves 10-14 weeks of individual sessions, once a week for about an hour; two sessions with the client’s caregiver (or other positive adult); and two conjoint sessions with the client and their caregiver.
Recovery Coaching
NSCS’s recovery coaches are grounded in peer-assisted recovery through their own life experience with substance use and/or other addictions. They provide a level of expertise that clinical training cannot replicate. These individuals consult to a clinical team to promote a culture in which recoverees’ points of view and preferences are recognized, understood, respected and integrated into support, treatment and rehabilitation.
If you are unsure of what your child is struggling with, the severity, and/or how to treat it, an assessment can help identify the issue and outline treatment options. A therapist will sit down with the youth and determine if there are underlying substance use and/or mental health disorders, and recommend how to treat them. All clients referred to NSCS for services receive an assessment, even if you or your child already have what you want for services in mind. Adolescent Rapid Access is available.
This program is only open to those referred through the Winthrop or Chelsea public schools.
MINDeaze is a school-based, community-centered program that offers services and supports to youth between the ages of 8-14 and their families. The program aims to reduce substance use, delinquency and promote academic achievement through incentive-based, positive youth development.
MINDeaze is funded by the Department of Public Health’s Bureau of Substance Abuse Services. Programs are located in the Winthrop and Chelsea public schools. The program offers daily support to youth and maintains constant communication with teachers. A primary focus of the model is to increase parent-to-school attachment so students will achieve academic success.
Children and youth enrolled in the program also receive out-of-school support with homework, participate in recreational groups and attend field trips. They meet once a week with a MINDeaze mentor. The program operates year round. Families also work with a case manager through home visits to determine other needed services and supports.
The program is voluntary, lasts up to two years, and is free to families who qualify.
Contact us:
40 Hermon Street
Winthrop, MA 02152